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Sunlit Smiles by The Bloody Rose
Sunlit Smiles (by The Bloody Rose)
Jaehee yawned, covering his mouth as he did so. Under the comforting warmth of the sun, he couldn't help forgetting any problems and simply feeling content.
"What? Are you tired?" Dai asked, sitting up and looking side ways at Jaehee as he did so. He had been stretched out like a cat on the roof, while the younger of the two leaned against air vent with his head leaned back, face toward the sun.
He didn't move at Dai's question, but answered, "No."
"Are you lying? You just yawned." Now Dai moved to a crouch, from which he maneuvered to leaning against the same air vent. The vent wasn't that small, and their arms touched. The cat-like human had his head turned to looking at Jaehee's profile. Still, his eyes were closed.
Dai blew at his face childishly to get his attention, and his eyes opened to slits. Jaehee turned his head and asked, "Don't you get sleepy from the sun?"
"Not in the middle of the day," Dai scoffed, then stopped. "Your eye lashes are really long, know that?"
Jaehee didn't say anything, distracted. Dai's eyes were dark and soulless. They could give him shivers even on the warmest days, but he couldn't look away. They were too addicting.
Dai just stared back.
A cloud passed over the two of them, blocking the sun. It wasn't a small cloud, and with it came a colder breeze. Jaehee turned, the enchantment seemed to have released him. Dai reached out to stop him from turning completely away, and rested his head on Jaehee's shoulders. "Why do these things keep happening?" He asked, angrily.
Before Jaehee could manage a thought through his head, Dai got up quickly, walking towards the door to the stairs without a backwards glance.
"Let's go."
Jaehee got up, "Where?"
Dai smiled slightly and answered, "To find the sun again."