Топор палача может рубить невинные головы, а может вершить и справедливость-все зависит от рук, которые его держат.
Ребята, поздравляю! Наконец-то, манхва полностью переведена! И те две странички тоже есть в финальной главе. Читаем и наслаждаемся adultmanga.ru/let_dai
Порой мой разум возвращается к самым дорогим моментам в жизни. Когда я вышел из автобуса, мне показалось, что я разукрасил все вокруг в летние цвета простым взмахом платочка. Это был ослепительный день в самой середине лета, когда можно было еще услышать мелодию Saint-Saens «The carnival of the animals». Я стоял на тротуаре, где - уже и не упомнить… Единственное, что я помню – огромную тень из-за жары. Неужели это последнее воспоминание о теперь далеком городе? Тогда я зашел в одно местечко пропустить стаканчик. Я уселся в тенёк, ощутив дуновение ветерка, проникшего внутрь с ветвями великолепных густых деревьев. Это был бар, где тебе могут бесплатно подать стакан воды. Подать в неказистой кружке, пока ты вытираешь выступивший на теле пот. Бар был похож на место, которое я посещал лет в 20 – страх тогда еще душил меня. Когда я был еще молод, я отчаянно гнал от себя эту утомленность, усталость от жизни… Когда мы впервые услышали о том, что Оззи Озборн покидает Black Sabbath, нашему горю не было предела, мы специально собирались, чтобы послушать музыку этой группы. Мы думали об Оззи, в его черной накидке, стоящем на краю утеса, о который бьются сумасшедшие волны… это было невероятно… Тогда мы еще проливали наивные юношеские слезы… Наша жизнь проходила под надрывом, нас настолько переполняли страсть и одержимость, что едва остались слезы на дальнейшее существование… Блюз Джерри Гарсия и мучительный голос его гитары резали не хуже скальпеля на операционном столе – особенно когда музыка достигала самого пика… Было привычно ходить под палящим солнцем, проходить мимо железнодорожных путей, прыгать через ограду, бегать по лестницам и навещать друга в Донгё-Донг. Наши ботинки были грязными – впрочем, как и всегда. Когда мы были молоды, мы хотели с каждым днем все больше и больше, даже если у нас было все в этой жизни. Бывало, мы даже чувствовали себя одинокими…. Даже когда наша жизнь была насыщенна событиями. Конечно, мы любили юность… она была такой необычайно странной… невыносимой… тягуче сладкой… Мы любили поэзию и самодельную аудио-систему с ее двумя причудливыми дикторами. Мы любили нашу маленькую комнату с её липкими обоями, выцветшими из-за солнца, и с её крошечными окнами, врезанными слишком высоко. Мы любили нашу безупречно организованную коллекцию долгоиграющих пластинок… Мы любили даже гул проходящих мимо поездов, заглушающий все звуки нашей музыки, стирающий ее из памяти. После этого пыхтения, превратившего музыку в руины, мы играли в камень-ножницы-бумагу, споря о направлении следующего поезда. Но мы все равно забывали о нашем споре – даже когда поезд показывался а горизонте… Возможно, мы просто пытались оставить нашу юность позади – это было похоже на то, как мы стирали пот, едва выступивший на теле в жаркий день, даже если было очевидно, что приятные ощущения будут недолгими. Возможно, только будучи наивными мальчиками, мы могли верить, что простое ожидание будущего, жажда неизвестности, могут спасти надежду в наших душах. Рассвет нашей юности уже миновал… Но мы все так же молоды… Но только когда я искал голос, потерянный в этом незнакомом баре, моим единственным другом была молодость…
В ролях: 다이 역 : 정재헌 제희 역 : 장민혁 은형 역 : 김서영 윤은 역 : 유지원 하기나루 역 : 박성태 구희 역 : 홍범기 유이 역 : 김대중 Dai Lee: Jeong Jae Heon Jaehee: Jang Min Hyeok Eunhyung: Kim Seo Yeong Yooneun: Yu Ji Won Naru Hagi: Park Seong Tae Goohee: Hong Beom Kee Yoi Lee: Kim Dae Jung
Дорогие наши ПЧ-ки и просто гости от всей души поздравляю вас с наступившим Новым 2013 годом!!!
Желаю вам в новом году осуществления всех, даже самых дерзких желаний, Сил на осуществления этих желаний И возможностей!!! И пусть вам удача сопутствует во всех начинаниях!!!
А так же надеюсь на осуществление нашей общей мечты: полностью переведенная манхва Let Dai!!!
Каждый раз моя вылазка на просторы инета в поисках чего-нибудь о Let Dai заканчивается каким-либо результатом. Вот и сейчас я наткнулась на косплей. Фотки кликабельны.
Последнее обновление перевода Let Dai на адульте было от 20.06.12. Такими темпами в лучшем случае вся манхва будет переведена года этак через 2. По-этому снова хочется поднять вопрос о том, может кто-то захочет взяться за ее перевод. Сама я англ не знаю. Чистить сканы тоже не умею. А вот текст вставить могу, только вот толку нет. Если никто не посодействует в этом начинании, то буду здесь выкладывать свой любительский (гугл-переводчик мне в помощь) перевод в блокноте, т.к. сил терпеть уж больше нет((( Ну что, кто готов?
Была летом в Корее,хотела приобрести Даи в оригинале-хотя бы пару томиков...Но его уже 4 года как не печатают( А так бы помогло в грядущем изучении корейского...
I heard his quiet breathing from somewhere near my hip, felt the warmth of his head against the crook of my waist. With some effort I lifted my head to peer at the boy through sleepy eyes.
Dai lay there, huddled against my body as if cold. His face was pressed against the curve where my torso met my hipbone. His slender hands were fisted in my t-shirt, his knuckles white. I felt his lips move against my skin though the cloth, murmuring as he slept.
Slowly, and afraid I would startle him, I pulled myself into a half sitting position, shifting so that he could have his space. However, as soon as I moved, Dai gasped loudly in his sleep and made an odd flopping motion, flinging his arms out wildly. His hands found my shirt again and in seconds he was glued to my side again.
"What are you doing!" he gasped, sounding panicked and angry.
Half of me wanted to comfort him, tell him everything was okay, it was just a dream. The other half was frozen, terrified to the bone. That voice; it sounded like a wild animal that had been cornered. I knew it well. It was the tone that his voice took in our private arguments, whenever I pressured him in some way. It acted as a warning, I suppose. That voice that held so many emotions: panic, confusion, hurt, anger…it was the sound that escaped right before he snapped. The final bark that a wild dog makes before he launches at the enemy in a final bid for freedom, choosing fight instead of flight, choosing to fight to death rather than run away. It fit Dai perfectly.
I knew very well what that side of Dai was like. I had the scars and the bruises to prove it. A sadistic, violent sociopath; completely different from the sleeping boy I watched now.
He was awake now, I knew it. I felt his hands leave my side, and I shut my eyes as fast as I could, waiting for Dai to lose it, attack me, slam my head into the headboard until I bled, or find some other way he could punish me for whatever I did to him in his dream…
Moments past that nothing happened. Cautiously, I opened my eyes to find Dai, his eyes still tightly shut in pained slumber. But although I knew he was asleep, his face was twisted in agony.
I glanced to where his hand covered his stomach. My eyes widened.
It was the scar.
Dai's beautiful, milk-tea colored skin was marked with lighter stripes and patches of scar tissue. They crisscrossed around his torso, up and down his arms. Medals, he once called them. But there was one that I knew he didn't consider an achievement. One that held so many terrible memories, guilt, anger, grief. The one scar, he said, to have hurt more than just his body.
He clutched at it now, muttering my name desperately. I stared on in horror, feeling physically ill. He, Dai, the merciless, fearless, legendary gang-leader Dai…was having a nightmare because of me? Had the incident haunted him so much?
I felt my eyes sting and I reached out to him, cradling his head against my stomach. I doubled over and pressed my forehead against his fair hair, whispering apologies that I knew he would never accept. I rocked back and forth, choking on my words.
Suddenly I felt him tense, and even though I knew he was really awake this time, I didn't let him go.
"What're you doing?" his voice was muffled and heavy with fatigue.
"I'm sorry!" I cried, louder then I intended. He winced at the noise and pushed me away from him, annoyance emanating off of him. He sat up slowly, ran a hand through his hair, and fished a shirt off the floor, slipping it over his head. Then he turned to me.
"For what?" he demanded. His eyes flashed with anger.
Then I realized that Dai had assumed the worst when I apologized. He was barely keeping his anger in check, waiting warily for the news of whatever I had done that required such a desperate sounding apology.
I swallowed. Hesitantly, I slid a hand up his shirt.
"For…this scar," I said quietly brushing the place where I had stabbed him with my finger tips.
At these words, he dropped the hand that he was about to hit me with and looked at me with an expression I could not read. My heart felt chilled.
Without a word, he pushed my hand away and stood, his body casting a shadow that enveloped me. Dai looked down on me silently, expressionless. Then, he turned and walked out of the room, leaving me wide-eyed and shaking.
He would never forgive me. It was I who betrayed him.
Walking across the cold beach with Dai did not seem real. It was as though we had stepped into one of my many dreams that included us together. If I reached out my hand and touched him, he might disappear in a huff of smoke, an effervescent presence, always disappearing when things become too much for him to handle.
"Here." I glanced at him, startled. He threw his jacket over my shoulders, muttering something about the cold weather. I did not say anything back; I did not trust my voice.
Huddling the jacket close around me, I inhaled the scent of cigarettes, leather, and sweat, the scents that hung around Dai in a cloud of misery and apathy. His hair was being played with by the wind, hiding his bruised eyes. Why won't he look at me any more?
"Dai…" I whispered as a sudden desire to hold his hand choked my heart. Would he shake me off with a curse?
Here it was, the defining moment. I reached out for his hand, slowly and then my fingers found his cold ones and I grasped them. I felt him stiffen through his cold fingers, and we stopped walking. I could hear the cries of the seagulls in the background, mournful music to guide us on our journey.
Dai finally faced me, his expression unreadable. I wanted to say that I never want to leave him, but no words would escape my mouth. Our hands were still clutching and I feared then what Dai would do.
But, then, Dai finally smiled and it was as though the sun came up to shine on us on this winter day. It started out hesitant, but it grew stronger at the sight of warmth in my eyes. I wanted to tell him that it would be all right, but that is not the sort one says to him. He wants to take on the world, even though it's too much for him to handle alone.
Before I knew it I was shouldering such loneliness. It was hard. To be honest, I really didn't want to be on my own.
Before I knew it, his cold hand reached out to cup my neck before burrowing itself into my hair. We stood there, hands burrowed in each other's hair, cheeks pressed together, breathing in the same air. I could feel the Dai's tension slipping away, falling down to lie in the sand. I never dreamed that it was possible to feel this close to another person. We were so young, yet we felt as old as the ocean and as depthless. We knew that everything that brings happiness has a price. Would we be able to pay it?
As our mouths mingled and our breath steamed in the frostbitten air, we knew that we would.
If there's a freedom to be had in that clear blue sky I wouldn't care if these wings I'm so proud of were torn off. I began running, frantically aiming for the sky I spread my wings and flew away, and the spot where I fell was 'freedom'.
Dai: Oh shut up Ophy.
Me: I'm allowed my obsessions and so are you! So there! sticks out tongue
Dai: sticks out his tongue too
Jaehhe: You guys...there are plenty of Jrockers to go around...sweatdrop
Нашла на просторах инета фанфики по Let Dai на англ. К сожалению, наш народ видимо не шибко сильно любит писать по данному фендому Так что буду выкладывать творчество иностранных граждан. Если вдруг кто решит перевести, то милости просим
Jaehee yawned, covering his mouth as he did so. Under the comforting warmth of the sun, he couldn't help forgetting any problems and simply feeling content.
"What? Are you tired?" Dai asked, sitting up and looking side ways at Jaehee as he did so. He had been stretched out like a cat on the roof, while the younger of the two leaned against air vent with his head leaned back, face toward the sun.
He didn't move at Dai's question, but answered, "No."
"Are you lying? You just yawned." Now Dai moved to a crouch, from which he maneuvered to leaning against the same air vent. The vent wasn't that small, and their arms touched. The cat-like human had his head turned to looking at Jaehee's profile. Still, his eyes were closed.
Dai blew at his face childishly to get his attention, and his eyes opened to slits. Jaehee turned his head and asked, "Don't you get sleepy from the sun?"
"Not in the middle of the day," Dai scoffed, then stopped. "Your eye lashes are really long, know that?"
Jaehee didn't say anything, distracted. Dai's eyes were dark and soulless. They could give him shivers even on the warmest days, but he couldn't look away. They were too addicting.
Dai just stared back.
A cloud passed over the two of them, blocking the sun. It wasn't a small cloud, and with it came a colder breeze. Jaehee turned, the enchantment seemed to have released him. Dai reached out to stop him from turning completely away, and rested his head on Jaehee's shoulders. "Why do these things keep happening?" He asked, angrily.
Before Jaehee could manage a thought through his head, Dai got up quickly, walking towards the door to the stairs without a backwards glance.
"Let's go."
Jaehee got up, "Where?"
Dai smiled slightly and answered, "To find the sun again."
По некоторым произведениям нашей любимой мангаки (или манхваки ) сняли фильмы или сериалы: “Mary Staying Out” и “Full House”. А вдруг и Let Dai решат оживить. Тогда возникает вопрос, а кто из актеров будет синматься и в какой роли. Давайте попробуем представить.
Все картинки кликабельны
Даи или
Джэ Хи
Брат Даи
Юн Ын
Ын Хен или
Нару Наги
А как Вы думаете, кто самый подходящий актер/актриса на данные роли?
В сообществе уже были выложены обложки томов, однако, на сайте испанских сканлейтеров, которые также занимаются переводом Let Dai представлены несколько иные обложки:
Прочитав в очередной раз манхву, а точнее наслаждаясь (Бог знает в какой раз) любимыми моментами, у меня возник вопрос. Как я поняла Джэ Хи и Даи в своих отношениях так и не дошли толком до постели. Тогда как по Вашему мнению и когда мог состояться их первый раз (если можно, то с подробностями)? И как распределились их роли (уке-сэме)?